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Marijuana Benefits

Neurological Disorders & Medical Marijuana


A Neurological Disorder is any malady that affects the body's nervous system. Structural, biochemical or electrical abnormalities are responsible nerve dysfunction, which inevitably lead to many Neurological conditions and symptoms



  • muscle weakness
  • poor coordination
  • sensation, seizures
  • pain and altered levels of consciousness
  • paralysis
  • loss of mental control
  • confusion


Pharmaceutical Painkillers - Kill more than Heroin and Cocaine Combined

2012, sales of prescription painkillers in America  have risen 300% (since 1999) and have contributed to 14,800 overdose deaths (2008), more than cocaine and heroin combined."


-- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



Medical Doctors Testimonials - Medical Marijuana and Headaches

"I have seen many patients with chronic pain, muscle spasms, nausea, anorexia, and other unpleasant symptoms obtain significant — often remarkable — relief from cannabis medicines, well beyond what had been provided by traditional (usually opiate-based) pain relievers."

-- David Hadorn, MD, Ph.D., Medical Consultant to GW Pharmaceuticals


Barth Wilsey, M.D., University of California Davis Medical Center, reported that patients who do not respond to, or cannot handle the side effects of prescription medications, often find relief from  neuropathic pain by smoking cannabis cigarettes or inhaling vaporized Cannabis with moderate levels of THC.  In a 2008 study published in the Journal of Pain,  Dr. Wilsey, MD, reported on the effect of various dose amounts of THC and found that Medical Cannabis is a viable alternative to Opioids. At the crux, Dr. Wilsey asks, why take massive doses when a little will do?


“My work has shown that low doses of Cannabis alleviates pain,”


"You can’t overdose from cannabis unless you take extraordinary amounts, unlike opioids.  That’s why people are allowed to take cannabis without a prescription where it is legal. They can take enough to alleviate the pain immediately — another benefit of smoked or vaporized cannabis. You don’t have to take it repeatedly if pain goes away.”

-- Dr. Wilsey, MD


Another Medical Cannabis Physician,  Dr. Shackelford, reports that his patients benefit from Medical Marijuana regimens, including a 103-year-old woman with narcotic pain.


“The more I researched, the more information I uncovered, and the more reasonable it seemed to consider Cannabis as a medical option for patients. Ultimately, it’s based on outcomes and safety. I found that not to consider it when appropriate was to ignore a treatment option that could have significant benefits for a great many people.”

-- Dr. Shackelford, MD



Finding the Right Medical Marijuana Product

Typically, patients that self medicate, have a very loose understanding about Medical Cannabis science and dose according to hearsay combined with their own trial and error, but fail to take  advantage of recent advances in scientific knowledge.  A knowledgeable Marijuana Doctor can identify the right Medical Marijuanastrain or product, with better results for a given condition.  For example, a strain high in CBD combined with moderate quantities of psychoactive THC affords many patients with effective pain relief, with balanced calming effects, without an overwhelming high.



Further Reading

Cannabinoids Among Most Promising Approaches to Treating Neuropathic Pain


Cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis


Cannabis in painful HIV-associated sensory neuropathy


Two cannabis based medicinal extracts for relief of central neuropathic pain


Analgesic effect of the synthetic cannabinoid CT-3 on chronic neuropathic pain


Analgesic effect of the cannabinoid analogue nabilone


Cannabis effective at relieving pain after major surgery


Cannabinoids, in combination with (NSAIDS), produce a synergistic analgesic effect


Cannabinoids Among Most Promising Approaches to Treating Neuropathic Pain


Cannabinoid analgesia as a potential new therapeutic option


Nabilone significantly reduces spasticity-related pain?



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